vendredi 5 novembre 2010

Keith Olbermann Suspended from MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay for Making Political Contributions to Democrats

MSNBC chose a slow news day to smack down host Keith Olbermann, but one has to wonder if it was a fair move. He was suspended indefinitely and without pay for making political contributions to the campaigns of three Democratic candidates. Wow, I guess Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck must be snickering in the background, since Olbermann has been so critical of them and Fox News.
In a statement provided to, Phil Griffin, president of the network, said he “became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.”

Olbermann acknowledged to NBC that he donated $2,400 apiece to the campaigns of Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway and Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords.

NBC News prohibits its employees from working on, or donating to, political campaigns unless a special exception is granted by the news division president -- effectively a ban. Olbermann's bosses did not find out about the donations until after they were made. Source: Fox News
Wow, so I guess the ratings at MSNBC will plummet since the host of its most popular show, "Countdown," will be sidelined. Chris Hayes will fill in for Olbermann, the network said. This is bigger than even Rick Sanchez firing for his insensitive comments about Jon Stewart. Sorry, but suspending Olbermann is ludicrous. What good will that do the network? Er, their ratings will plummet. The viewers should boycott MSNBC period. It is clear that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and others at Fox News engage in similar behavior and it is embraced there.

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