vendredi 12 novembre 2010

PA Conservation Officer David Grove Shot & Killed Near Maryland State Line, Christopher Lynn Johnson Being Sought

Christopher Lynn Johnson being sought by police as a "person of interest" in shooting death of wildlife conservation officer David Grove.

Have you seen this man? Christopher Lynn Johnson? Police are searching for him.

Wildlife Conservation Officer David Grove was shot and killed in Freedom Township, southwest of Gettysburg and near the Maryland line, according to the Baltimore Sun. The police are searching for Christopher Lynn Johnson, whom they have called a "person of interest." Grove, 31, was shot and killed Thursday.

Authorities said Johnson may also be wounded. According to the Baltimore Sun, department spokesman Jerry Feaser said a game commission officer has not been slain in the line of duty since 1915.

Johnson is considered armed and dangerous. If you have seen this man, please contact the local police immediately.

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