mercredi 24 février 2010

U.S. Missile Defense Agency's New Logo Causes Uproar Online, Stark Resemblance to Obama Campaign Logo

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency's new logo causes uproar online, with its close resemblance to Islam's crescent moon and star.

What's in a logo? Well, apparently the right wing seems to see the Islamic symbols, the crescent moon and star, in the lastest logo unveiled by the Missile Defense Agency. What is also interesting is the correlation between then-candidate Barack Obama's campaign logo. See for yourself.

Here are President Obama's campaign logo:

Here is the Islamic crescent moon and star, that has riled so many people because of terroristic acts:
So, here we are again, dealing with the notion that President Obama is somehow tied to Islam. I guess I could ask who was the genius behind the design of this new logo. Surely he or she should have known it would cause an uproar of sorts. What I find absolutely mindboggling is the fact that we are in a recession and the government continues to waste money. I am pretty sure it cost a lot of money to change the logo on its stationery, website, office buildings, etc. Shameful. Absolutely shameful.

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