lundi 8 février 2010

Armani Exchange "Gay" Valentine's Day Ad Sparks Controversy Among Some Mothers

Armani Exchange "gay" Valentine's Day ad sparks controversy as online support group calls for store to take pictures down because it promotes "soft porn."

Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein have long pushed the envelope with their sexually-charged billboards and advertisements, but it's safe to say Armani Exchange is ranks up there too. As you know, Valentine's Day is around the corner and window displays and advertisements are pushing their products. Well, Armani Exchange has managed to tick off a few people with their latest ad with a picture of three couples -- a gay male couple, a heterosexual couple and a lesbian couple -- all oiled up, lustfully embracing and ready for some action. Well, in my opinion, they are all tacky. Half-naked couples in major advertising campaigns is certainly nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more tasteful.

Well, one online mothers support group,, is demanding the store take the ads down, claiming that the ads “poison children with 10-foot posters that are nothing but soft porn.” Okay, I wouldn't go to that extreme. I just have a big problem with sexually suggestive advertisements period, not just homoerotic ads. To all the people who have an issue with the ads, let's just fight fair and not just single it out because it includes same-sex couples.

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