lundi 16 novembre 2009

White House Slaps Down Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Criticism Over Trying 9/11 Plotters in New York City Federal Court, Says He's Two-Faced

Two-faced ex-mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, got a major slap-down by White House advisor David Axelrod in Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to try the September 11th plotters in New York City. Axelrod reminded Giuliani that he played an integral role in the trial and subsequent conviction of the 20th 9/11 bomber Zacaraias Moussaoui, who was tried in Virginia in a civilian court. You see, Giuliani and all the critics of the Obama administration's decision, seem forget that most people with an ounce of common sense know that their actions are purely partisan. Under President George W. Bush, the decision to try Moussaoui in civilian court was widely embraced by the Republican Party. So, what is the difference here?

Giuliani appeared on Fox News, CNN and ABC bashing the plan to make 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four of his henchmen face justice just blocks from the World Trade Center they're accused of demolishing. Giuliani said moving the case to a Manhattan federal court "seems to be an overconcern with the rights of terrorists and a lack of concern for the rights of the public." "What the Obama administration is telling us loud and clear is that both in substance and reality the war on terror from their point of view is over."He said Mohammed and his co-conspirators should stay in Guantanamo Bay and face a military tribunal for war crimes.  Really? Didn't President Bush also want to close Guantanamo Bay and end that chapter in American history?

Here's the real hypocrisy in Giuliani's statements:  He contends it was a mistake to try the 1993 World Trade Center bombers in New York even though at the time he supported it. Wow. He was too busy trying to ingratiate himself with President George W. Bush and to see that his protege-turned-convicted-felon Bernie Kerik become Department of Homeland Security Secretary in one of the biggest frauds in American politics. He was too busy trying to position himself as the "peoples mayor" and secure a run for the White House, which was another disaster.

There's more of the classic hypocrisy of Rudy, the cross-dressing ex-mayor. He said, after Moussaoui was convicted in 2006, but spared the death penalty by a federal jury, he was "in awe of our system." "It does demonstrate that we can give people a fair trial, that we are exactly what we say we are. We are a nation of law. . . .I think [Moussaoui's] going to be a symbol of American justice." The man just loves to hear himself speak.

New York City is one of the best places in this country to hold such a trial. Even Mayor Bloomberg, who ran as an Independent but is considered a Republican by most standards, agreed that his city was the best place to hold the trial and Ray Kelly, Police Commissioner voiced his agreement and stated that the city has the resources to handle this trial.  Eric Holder said he will seek the death penalty for Al Qaeda dirtbags that took 2,973 lives on September 11, 2001.  I don't see how trying these extremists in New York City will endanger the city any more than it already is. Sorry, but coming from Rudy Giuliani, the same guy who argued for 30 minutes during a presidential debate on whether or not Romney hired illegal aliens to work on his house, is now trying to argue something of substance. I take it with a grain of salt.

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