lundi 9 novembre 2009

Science Daily: Discrimination Takes Its Toll On Black Women (STUDY)

According to the results of a study published in Science Daily, racial discrimination is a major threat to African American women's mental health. This discrimination reportedly undermines African American women's view of themselves as masters of their own life circumstances and makes them less psychologically resilient and more prone to depression. These findings by Dr. Verna Keith, from Florida State University in the US and her colleagues, are published online in Springer's journal Sex Roles.

African American women who viewed themselves as being able to exercise some control over their life circumstances reported fewer depressive symptoms. Women who were subjected to higher levels of unfair treatment experienced more depressive symptoms, in part, because day-to-day discrimination undermined their overall confidence in their ability to manage life challenges, leaving them feeling powerless and depressed.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

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