mercredi 24 juin 2009

Mark Sanford, South Carolina Governor, Apologizes to Wife, Staff, Others, Says He Has Been Cheating on Wife with Woman in Argentina

Major bombshell. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, apologizing to his wife, children, staff, “and anybody who lives in South Carolina,” says he’s been unfaithful to his wife and has been in a relationship with another woman in Argentina. This is a major bombshell and another Republican bites the dust due to infidelity.

Well, he can kiss any chances of being a Republican Party presidential goodbye. These guys are such hypocrites. They are ever so critical of President Obama, yet they can't remain faithful to their wives. That speaks volumes about their integrity and their commitment to their families. He is serving his second straight term as governor, which expires in January 2011. The state constitution prohibits a third straight term. He should resign as governor immediately because this is a disgrace. These cheaters are coming out of the wood work like a colony of ants. I am dying to see how the GOP will spin this latest revelation. The GOP is collapsing like a tower of dominoes. Shameful and hypocritical. An investigation should be launched to see whether he used state funds to go on his South American escapade.

I will just end my post with some of the lyrics to "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in a shot out to Gov. Sanford for being a hypocrite and a cheat:

Don't cry for me Argentina
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions
They are not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me

Don't cry for me Argentina

Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true

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