mardi 2 juin 2009

Fox News' Shepard Smith Calls Cheney's Gay Marriage Stance A "Cop Out"

I have always felt that Shephard Smith has no business being among the vultures at Fox News Channel. He and Geraldo Rivera are the only voices of reason, and pretty much the only reason why I tune into Fox News Channel on occasion. Well, Shep laid into former VP Dick Cheney today over his hypocrisy on the issue of gay marriage. We all know Cheney wouldn't be so accepting of gay marriage had one of his daughters not declared to the world that she was gay and in a long term relationship.

Cheney has provided nothing but lip service instead of actually doing much of anything to secure marriage equality for all Americans. In the clip, Smith characterizes Cheney's support as "trying to have it both ways" and as "a cop out." Way to go Shep, you told nothing but the absolute truth about that phony.

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