jeudi 11 juin 2009

Fox News Channel's Shepard Smith Says His Email Is Becoming "More And More Frightening"

Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera are the only two people from the Fox News Channel that I can tolerate and who I consider to be fair in their views. Shepard sounded a warning yesterday that I must say was chilling and a reality check of the anger that is simmering in the United States. Why is Fox News sitting on its laurels and taking these emails casually? Why haven't the more incendiary ones been turned over to Homeland Security? I am glad Shepard Smith stepped up to the plate and did the right thing. When you have people like Rush Limbaugh, saying that Barack Obama and God have one thing in common, no birth certificate, what type of rhetoric and reaction do you expect from people on the fringe? Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Mike Savage, Bill O'Reilly and all the other nuts are fomenting a breed of overt racism not seen in recent times.

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