lundi 29 juin 2009

GLBT Community Protests Raid on "Rainbow Lounge" on the Anniversary of Stonewall Riots 40 Years Ago

More than 100 people rallied outside the Tarrant County Courthouse in Fort Worth to protest a raid by Fort Worth Police and members of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Early yesterday morning, agents of the TABC, along with the Fort Worth police raided the newly-opened "Rainbow Lounge" on South Jennings St. The raid coincided with 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York, an event that some believe as the start of the modern U.S. gay rights movement. This is a shame and should not have happened in a country that prides itself on freedom of expression.
The Fort Worth Police Department released a statement that reads "the Rainbow Lounge" was not the only bar targeted by officers. The group first went to the Rosedale Saloon and Cowboy Palace on Rosedale Street. Nine people were arrested at those two clubs, seven were arrested at the Rainbow Lounge.

"Alcohol beverage code inspections are conducted frequently at establishments located within the city limits of Fort Worth. These are conducted in order to ensure a safe environment for all. A thorough internal investigation into the allegations made is being conducted as all allegations against officers are investigated," police reported. Source:
It is very unfortunate that this incident occurred, especially as it coincided on the anniversary of the Stonewall protests. Surely we have grown from such an ignorant and criminal mindset, into a more inclusive one. Times have changed and unlike 40 years ago, people of every community across the United States can hold the government, state and federal, accountable for the actions of their employees, including law enforcement. The rights of all Americans must be protected, whether you agree with their sexual orientation or not. This is shameful and seems like a deliberate act of violating the civil rights of the patrons.

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