lundi 8 juin 2009

Robert J. Weller, Lewiston-Porter School Board Prez, ‘Regularly’ Sends Sexist and Racist E-mails, Including One Calling President Obama a ‘Negro’

One of the emails Robert Weller sent to board members.
Source: The Buffalo News

There seem to be some bottom-feeders out there who just can't stop being racists. Robert J. Weller, 72, president of the Lewiston-Porter School Board in Buffalo, has reportedly been forwarding racist and sexist e-mails to other board members. Some fellow board members, and former board members expressed their concerns to The Buffalo News. A pastor of the True Bethel Baptist Church in Buffalo is organizing an e-mail campaign to persuade him to apologize or resign. What is disturbing is that he is in a powerful position to effect real change in the school district. One would expect him to practice tolerance and acceptance of the differences that abounds in his city. According to The Buffalo News, the Lewiston-Porter schools employ 193 full-time teachers, one of whom is black and another who is Hispanic, according to figures provided by the district. Of the district’s approximately 2,300 students, a little more than 100, or about 4.5 percent, are nonwhite. He needs to take a sensitivity class after he resigns from the school board.
Among the e-mails:

• A photo of Barack Obama, depicted making a campaign promise to deliver jobs to “everyone who can work.” In the background of the doctored image is a group of African-Americans running away.

•A mock news release from the Detroit Police Department that claims the department will replace German shepherd police dogs with “coon dogs, due to the fact the city is not having any problems with Germans.”

• A doctored photo of Chelsea Clinton holding up a T-shirt that reads, “My mom is getting her ass kicked by a Negro.”

• A list of a dozen male chauvinist “jokes,” including an explanation that women have smaller feet to allow them “to stand closer to the kitchen sink,” and a woman’s broken watch shouldn’t be fixed because “there is a clock on the oven.” Source: The Buffalo News

Weller should do the decent thing and resign, since he has sullied his reputation, whatever he had. He has acknowledged sending the e-mails, as if forensics couldn't have done to ascertain that fact. Here's the usual SOB story: he said that he didn't mean to offend anyone. Awwww, shucks! Please. He's sorry that he got ratted out to the local newspaper and his image is taking a major hit. He said that the messages fall under his freedom of speech and that he didn't author them, but merely forwarded them. So, is he so jaded that he thought no one would be offended by the nature of these e-mails? If he's so dumb, he has no business being the president of anything, let alone of a school board. He needs to be pressured to resign.

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