mardi 30 juin 2009

Burger King's Latest Advertisement for New Sandwich "BK Super Seven Incher" in Singapore, Hints at Oral Sex

Fast food giant Burger King has released a new advertisement for its latest sandwich and it has ruffled many feathers. The advertisement, which hints at oral sex, is distasteful and disgraceful. It should be discontinued immediately. The print ad for the "BK Super Seven Incher" -- a limited time promotion in Singapore — shows the "mind-blowing" sandwich near the open mouth of a wide-eyed, red-lipsticked woman accompanied by the suggestive tagline: "It'll blow your mind away." "Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled," the ad continues.

This is misogynistic to women everywhere and cheapens the act of sexual intercourse. I am surprised that this ad was accepted in Singapore, a country which is known globally for its strict government controls of social conduct. It seems that many marketers will continue to push the envelope without regard for personal integrity and decency. The Calvin Klein billboard in New York City's Soho district comes to mind. The billboard, which featured a young woman engaging in what seemed to be an orgy, was pulled after public outcry.

It seems that the woman's face in the advertisement had been retouched to make it look like a doll and that the American cheese on the sandwich seemed a little too white, like semen. A spokeswoman for Burger King said that campaign was produced by a local Singaporean agency, but would not divulge the name. Gee, I wonder why?

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