jeudi 11 juin 2009

Glenn Beck Says White Supremacist James von Brunn, Holocaust Museum Shooter, a Left-Wing Nut

Fox News' Glenn Beck, moron extraordinaire, said that James von Brunn is a left-wing nutcase. Wow, really Glenn? Why Fox News pays this idiot so much money to utter such obvious mistruths is amazing. Here's a link to the video from "Crooks and Liars." Never mind the fact that he continues to spew an extremist ideology from his show on a daily basis. I never thought for a minute that I would see, in my lifetime, white supremacy rearing its ugly head in such public places and with such effrontery. These people have become emboldened, not by the policies of President Obama, but because the right-wing is fanning the flames and fomenting this anger. It's amazing that the Republicans don't want the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to be housed in U.S. prisons, but we have been confronting home-grown terrorists in growing numbers today. What are you going to do James von Brunn? Send him to another country to be imprisoned? Isn't he as much of a threat to America as one of these terrorists being housed at Gitmo?

Here are Glenn Beck's comments yesterday as excerpted from "Crooks and Liars:"

Beck: This guy is a lone gunman nutjob. ... You're going to see a lot of nutjobs coming out of the woodwork now. There are two very important things that are happening here. First one: It's what I talked about two years ago, um, when I talked about the "Perfect Storm" -- I said that there is a storm formulating. And it is the economy, it is political correctness, it's corruption in Washington, it's militant Islam. It's all of these things.

I said when it comes onshore, there's going to be a "go go go" mentality. And that's what this is. There is a mentality in our enemies. Our country is now vulnerable. Those people who would like to destroy us -- our enemies like, uh, Al Qaeda. There are also enemies like white supremacists or 9/11 Truthers who would also like to destroy the country. They'll work with anybody they can.

... We are under attack in almost every shape and form in America. We need to look out for enemies foreign and domestic.

Second: There is gonna be a witchhunt, I believe, in this country, and quite possibly all around the world. For two groups. First group: Jews. It happens every time. Second group: I think, Conservatives.

... Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security reports about right-wing extremists. You remember that came out a few weeks ago? Left-wing bloggers and some in the media have blamed conservative hosts like me or Bill O'Reilly for just stirring the pot! I'm not stirring the pot. I'm pointing out the pot is boiling and there is trouble in America. Since when -- have you ever heard of 'don't blame the messenger'?

This is not the work of right-wing conservatives. This is the work of someone today who is racist, crazy, or most likely, both. Common sense tells you that there are very hateful people on the Right and the Left. Source: Crooks and Liars

It is quite obvious that this lunatic was extremely far right. I think that the right-wing fanatics, including Michelle Malkin, should accept the driftwood that shares many of the same views as they do. Take a look at his record:

Von Brunn has a long history of associations with prominent neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers. In the 1980s or early 1990s, von Brunn was employed by Noontide Press, a part of the Holocaust denying Institute of Historical Review, which was then run by Willis Carto, one of America’s most prominent anti-Semites.

Von Brunn is the author of the 1999 book, “Kill the Best Gentiles,” a racist and anti-Semitic tome that argues that whites are seeing “today on the world stage a tragedy of enormous proportions: the calculated destruction of the White Race and the incomparable culture it represents. Europe, former fortress of the West, is now over-run by hordes of non-Whites and mongrels.” A raging anti-Semite, von Brunn blames “The Jews” for the destruction of the West. The book is dedicated to prominent neo-Nazis and racists including Revilo Oliver and Wilmot Robertson.

In 2003, AP reported that von Brunn had painted a portrait of Rear Adm. John Crommelin, a raging anti-Semite who was a close associate of neo-Nazi William Pierce, whose book The Turner Diaries inspired Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. Source: Crooks and Liars

The Rethuglicans need to accept the fact that they are inspiring this movement towards home-grown terrorism. When you have the head of News Corp., Rupert Murdoch, saying that President Obama is a dangerous man, what do you expect a right wing nut to say? Don't forget Minnesota's Michelle Bachmann's incendiary comments about the president. What else do you honestly expect to happen? So, Glenn Beck, get your facts right, this raging lunatic isn't left wing. This POS is all yours.

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