dimanche 21 juin 2009

Police: Janesia Williams Left Twin Infants In Car As She Shopped At Wal-Mart

Once again, another mother has landed on the wrong side of the law. Janesia Williams, 26, has been arrested and charged with child cruelty for leaving her 4-month-old infant twins in a car while she shopped at a local Wal-Mart. Police said it happened Saturday at the Wal-Mart on Anvil Block Road in Ellenwood, Ga. The temperatures in the Atlanta metropolitan area hovered around 90 degrees, so you can just imagine how hot that car was. You would think this woman would use better judgment. There's nothing that pressing going on in Wal-Mart or any store for that matter for one to leave their children in the sweltering heat in one's automobile. This is unconscionable and she should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

According to media reports, a passer-by noticed the kids alone in the car and called police. The police said she left a crack in the car windows and that’s how authorities were able to remove the children, who were believed to have been inside the vehicle for about 30 minutes.

Police said the children’s father picked them up from the hospital, but Williams was taken to jail. She remained at the Clayton County jail Sunday morning on child cruelty charges,No bond has been set. How stupid can one be? I know she didn't think that she would have gotten away with such cruelty to her kids. This leads me to believe that this isn't the first time she did this.
As part of her punishment, she should be taken to Death Valley and left in her car, with the windows up, for 30 minutes. For those of you who don't know this, Death Valley, Ca., is a desert located in the southwestern United States. It is the lowest, dryest, and hottest location in North America.

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