dimanche 16 octobre 2011

Right Wing Evangelical Bryan Fischer Calls for Criminalizing Fornication & Homosexuality, Wouldn't Church Pews be Empty?

Right wing evangelical Bryan Fischer calls for outlawing fornication and homosexuality.

Right wing evangelical wingnut Bryan Fischer says "fornication" and homosexuality should be deemed illegal and criminalized. Um, that would mean the pews of many churches that hold similar views as his would be empty.
These are behaviors that can be made illegal, and should be made illegal: those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral - that means it's perfectly appropriate to have laws against what the law calls fornication, absolutely appropriate to make that illegal; men who practice homosexuality, perfectly permissible - in fact, we're directed, we're told in the Scriptures that it's a good idea, this is the purpose of the law, it's for the lawless and disobedient to engage in homosexuality - it's perfectly appropriate for that kind of behavior to be against the law. Source: Right Wing Watch
Let's see, where do we find the largest number of fornicators? In church. Let's not forget the gay sex crimes committed by some priests and pastors alike against children. This is further proof of why it is imperative that we don't elect a president who shares the views of these lunatics.

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