mercredi 26 octobre 2011

Civil Rights Leader Joe Beasley Says Mayor Kasim Reed is a "Waterboy for the Rich" for Pushing Occupy Atlanta Protesters from Park

Atlanta civil rights leader Joe Beasley says Mayor Kasim Reed is a "waterboy for the rich" and a "tyrant" for forcing Occupy Atlanta protesters by police force from Woodruff Park.

Joe Beasley
I came across an interesting commentary on the Redding News Review -- a so-called Atlanta civil rights leader, Joe Beasley, called Mayor Kasim Reed a "water boy for the rich" and a "tyrant" for his insistence on removing Occupy Atlanta protesters from Woodruff Park. I might add, the protesters have been removed, some peacefully, some arrested.
"The corporate leadership is actually calling the shots in Atlanta and not water boys, like the mayor," Joe Beasley told Redding News Review's radio program.

"Bull Connor was a chief of police," he said. "Chief Turner is a thoughtful man but he is under the orders of a tyrant." Source
But why do we have to sink to name calling? Racist name calling at that? Joe Beasley serves as the southern regional director for Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. Don't get me wrong, I am sure Joe Beasley has done a lot of good things in his life for racial justice and equality in this country, but why resort to name calling? That's counterproductive and only breeds animosity. Why minimize Kasim Reed to a "house negro" or an Uncle Tom?

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