jeudi 20 octobre 2011

Herman Cain Says Being Gay is a Sin & a Personal Choice

GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain, the "black American," has offended another community -- the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. He said being gay is wrong and it is a personal choice. He told CNN's Piers Morgan in a testy exchange, "I think it's a sin because of my biblical beliefs. And although people don't agree with me, I happen to think that it is a choice." Um, how would he know? Has he ever walked in the shoes of a homosexual? Dang, he certainly ran from the whole civil rights movement and opted to sit in the back of the bus than challenge the racist establishment. So, he has zero credibility in my book. Newsflash Mr. Cain, the right wing evangelicals can't put you in the White House all by themselves. You will need black, white, Latino, gay, straight, men and women to help you get there and so far, you are slowly pissing everyone off.
"You genuinely believe that millions of Americans wake up in their late teens normally and go, 'You know what? I quite fancy being a homosexual.' You don't believe that, do you?" the incredulous host asked, prompting Cain to reply there was no evidence to prove otherwise.

"That being said I respect their right to make that choice. You don't see me bashing them," said Cain. "I don't have to agree with it." Morgan then brought up Cain's race, insisting it "would be like a gay person saying, Herman, you made a choice to be black."

Cain remarked, "You know that's not the case. You know I was born black ... Piers, this doesn't wash off. I hate to burst your bubble." "I don't think being homosexual washes off," said Morgan.

In another heated topic in the wide-ranging interview, Cain said he is against abortion and believes life begins at conception. But in a surprise admission, he said Americans had the right to make their own decisions. Source: NY Daily News
So, why take such a hardline position? He could have quite easily sidestepped the question. He is proving why the black community is so wary of him. He's a wannabe right wing evangelical hypocrite. So, let's see, he alienated Latinos earlier last week with the electrified border fence comments, ticked off blacks by his nonchalance to the black community, pissed off the unemployed, a large number of which are blacks and insulted the gay community by saying they weren't born that way and it's personal choice. Hmm, seems to me the fat lady is warming up to bring the curtains down on this ridiculous right wing charade.

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