mardi 18 octobre 2011

Rick Perry Tells Mitt Romney He Exercised the "Height of Hypocrisy" for Illegal Immigrants Working on Property

CNN Republican Presidential Debate gets testy and heated at some points particularly when Rick Perry calls Mitt Romney a hypocrite for employing illegal immigrants & Herman Cain attacked for his 9-9-9 plan, no clear frontrunner has emerged for me.

Smackdown between Mitt Romney & Rick Perry. Perry called Romney a hypocrite for hiring illegal immigrants on his property. Personally, the Republican Presidential debate didn't do much to change my views on the candidates. Rick Santorum said it best, people still can't really identify all the candidates. Maybe that explains Herman Cain's meteoric rise in the polls. One thing I know, Newt Gingrich, made the most sense to me, but that doesn't mean I want him as a president. I can't trust him as far as the eye goes.

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan is still an enigma to just about everyone, just like Obamacare. Nobody can get a real handle on how it will really benefit the middle class and the poor. Rick Perry was booed more than once when he kept revisiting the illegal immigrants allegedly in Mitt Romney's employment, but Romney was right -- if you use contractors, they can subcontract to illegal immigrants. It doesn't make it right, but he was the governor and should have exercised better care to ensure he wouldn't employ, whether directly or indirectly, an illegal immigrant.

Ron Paul -- um, he needs to take his exit. How many times is this nut going to run for the presidency? Most people don't take him seriously. Rick Perry was a disappointment, as usual. I don't know why he was able to command a rock star persona from the onset. Matched up next to George W. Bush, I would have to say Bush had the most brains of the two.

Somebody please tell Michele Bachmann, who wants to put up a double-walled fence on the U.S.-Mexico border, it's time for you to take your bow and leave the stage. In closing, Herman Cain, once again, showed his naivete concerning foreign policy. Anderson Cooper asked him about his comments to Wolf Blitzer that he may sign papers releasing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay to al-Qaeda in exchange for a U.S. hostage. He tried to backtrack saying that was not his intent. Um, it shows how little grasp he has on foreign policy. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Plain and simple. Thanks to Ron Paul, he insulted all the Jews in the U.S. and Israel by saying he would cut funding to all countries. These are the people who think they can beat President Obama in 2012? Sorry, I am not convinced any of them could, certainly not Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum, who sounded like a reasonable candidate tonight.

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