jeudi 20 octobre 2011

U.S. Secret Service Confiscates Laptops from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church & GA Secy of State Launches Probe into Investments Sold to Members

U.S. Secret Service confiscates laptops from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church as part of probe into investments pushed by Ephren Taylor with Bishop Eddie L. Long's blessings and sold to church members, who lost $1 million.

Trouble for Bishop Eddie L. Long and New Birth. The U.S. Secret Service has confiscated laptop computers from the megachurch, and the Georgia Secretary of State is investigating City Capital Corp. and its former CEO Ephren Taylor for possible securities violations connected to investments sold to New Birth church members. Long and the church were sued on Wednesday by 10 former members who said they lost as much as $1 million in the investments.

If the Secret Service is involved in the probe, that is huge. Bishop Eddie L. Long is toxic and the other church members need to see the truth for what it is. Three investments companies are involved in the probe. The Secret Service is doing forensic work for the DeKalb County police, according to the AJC. Stay tuned. This is developing.....

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