lundi 17 octobre 2011

Latest Rasmussen Poll of Likely U.S. Voters Says Herman Cain Leads Obama 43% to 41%

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely U.S. voters shows GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain beating President Obama 43% to 41%.

Sorry, but I would love to know who the Rasmussen machinery is calling. Donkeys will fly before the Republicans nominate Herman Cain, who has no grasp of foreign policy, 9-9-9 plan was probably based in a Sim City game, said an electrified border fence along Mexico-US border was a joke, plus seems to be in bed with the Koch brothers. The poll further states that eight percent of those polled preferred another candidate, while another eight percent were undecided. Herman Cain's bounce isn't all it is cracked up to be. I can only think Cynthia McKinney and how she was forced out of office by Republicans who manipulated the primary election.

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