dimanche 25 septembre 2011

Toronto School District Calendar Shocks Father of 1st Grader with Transgender Day of Remembrance

Father of 1st grade student shocked about days of significance in Toronto School District daily planner, including International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, Transgender Day of Remembrance & International Day of Zero-Tolerance on Female Genital Cutting/Mutiliation.

There's no other way for me to even begin to explain this article about a father enraged that his six year old son is being forced to learn about transgender people, prostitutes and female genital mutilation, but to give you an excerpt:
This Toronto dad is just not ready to explain to his first-grade son about transgender people, prostitutes, AIDS or female genital mutilation. So one can imagine his shock when he found these issues listed as special days of recognition in his son’s Toronto District School Board 2011-12 daily planner.

“I was looking through this thing and was shocked by the kind of days they are marking as ‘days of significance,’” he said. The first one that jumped out at him, under a headline that said “equitable and inclusive,” was Nov. 19’s Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Then came Dec. 1’s World AIDS Day, followed by Dec. 17’s International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. There was also Feb. 7’s International Day of Zero-Tolerance on Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation and Feb. 12’s International Sexual and Reproductive Health Day. “It’s just bizarre,” said the outraged dad. “He’s six. I want him to enjoy being six.” Source
Can we just let kids be kids and not try to be politically correct or try to force grown-up stuff down their throats.

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