jeudi 22 septembre 2011

Right Wing Evangelical Linda Harvey Says Repeal of DADT "Unfair to Those Who Object & Those Trapped in This Sin"

Mission America's Linda Harvey strikes again. This time she is lamenting the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, saying "it's terribly unfair both to those who object and to those trapped in this sin." Here's an excerpt from Right Wing Watch:
The first news is the sad, heartbreaking transformation of our armed forces. This week, homosexuality in the military goes into full effect, permitting people to be openly homosexual or bisexual in the military has been painted in much of the media, it’s not an issue like race where people who are born this way are simply being who they are. No, since no one is born homosexual, it’s an issue of those who’ve chosen to embrace and identify with those feelings and practices, insisting that the over two century’s old military’s rejection of homosexual practice be overturned. And all military personnel are to like it or remain silent. New diversity training is taking place throughout the military to indoctrinate if possible the entire U.S. Armed Forces to say yes to deviance, it’s terribly unfair both to those who object and to those trapped in this sin. No one benefits, and the same-sex living and working environments in the military will be destabilized as a result. We can only hope and pray that under wiser leadership and a new administration the military will be allowed to rethink and overturn these harmful policies.
As long as you are fighting for your country and willing to die for what you believe, why should I give a heck about your sexual orientation?

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