dimanche 25 septembre 2011

SNL Season Opener Hits GOP Presidential Candidates in "7th or 8th" Debate from Strom Thurmond Memorial Library

The new season of "Saturday Night Live" opened with the "7th or 8th GOP debate," at the Strom Thurmond Memorial Library in Lynchfield, SC, "a town full of secrets," and hosted by Fox News Shep Smith, played by Bill Hader. He said the debate is between "Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and "six other people who will never be president." Hader asked Alec Baldwin, who played Perry, some "tough questions" to which he reiterated he thinks Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, that 10-year-old girls should be vaccinated against HPV so they can “begin a meaningful sexual relationship.”

Jason Sudeikis’s Mitt Romney says he "thanks Perry for not playing the Mormon card. Next to Newt Gingrich he has a normal sized head, next to Herman Cain, he mouthed "I'm white" and next to Jon Huntsman ...he didn't spend a few years in China. Huntsman mocked the Chinese accent, which I am sure some found very offensive, "scallion pancake, Jon Huntsman good president 2012, how you pay." 

Kristen Wiig’s imitation of Michele Bachmann was spot on. She said she believes paying no taxes can "help us return to the America of I love. Not the America of Ronald Reagan, not the America of our Founding Fathers, but the America 1000 years ago, where feral bands of mud people lived in their caves,.... never worrying that Obama would take their right to bear spears." She said, "in closing: “Fences, Jesus, papilloma, eyeballs.” Herman Cain who scored a major upset in the Florida straw poll on Saturday by beating both Perry and Romney, said he would serve pizza to the whole country. The skit was a bit on the long side and not very funny, but it hit the candidates on their ridiculous positions.

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