jeudi 29 septembre 2011

More Money Troubles for Bishop Long, Must Pay Nearly $2 Million to Settle Lawsuit Stemming from Hoops & Fitness Gym

Bishop Eddie L. Long and business partners in Hoops & Fitness gym ordered to repay State Bank & Trust nearly $2 million to settle civil lawsuit.

Bishop Eddie L. Long is in the news again and this time, it involves a $1.9 million dollar settlement. This man pays out more money than the Georgia Department of Revenue. We blogged about the case, which involved Long and two business partners who bought the Hoops and Fitness gym on Tara Boulevard in Jonesboro in 2007. According to WSB-TV, they formed a partnership -- The West Indies Holding Company -- and each signed a document borrowing money to purchase the building. Guess what, they didn't pay as agreed and State Bank and Trust hauled them into court. Well, the result is Long and his partners must pony up more than $1.8 million, plus interest, fees and property taxes, WSB-TV said. One of the partners may be off the hook, since he filed for bankruptcy.

Um, I wonder, with all this money Long has to pay, could he be heading for a financial ruin too? True to form, Long had no comment on this latest settlement, nor did he show up for a deposition in a separate matter -- a sexual harassment lawsuit against Michael Ceaser, a former employee. This is another disturbing series of events that continue to dog Bishop Long. How many more embarrassing incidents will the church board and the members of New Birth tolerate from this man before saying bye, bye? I am getting really sick and tired of hearing about this man in the news. The members of his church hve got to hold this man to a higher standard. He is playing them for a fool. Unbelievable. What's next? Oh yeah, another lawsuit. This one was filed by the man who sold him the gym. He claims Long defaulted on a settlement with him by failing to pay nearly $200,000 owed. So, exactly why is Bishop Long parading around Atlanta in a Bentley when he can't pay his bills. Oh wait, his piggy-bank, New Birth, pays the tab on the Bentley, right? It's equally amazing that we haven't heard peep out of his PR mouth piece Art Franklin.

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