jeudi 29 septembre 2011

NJ Gov. Chris Christie Isn't Ready for Prime Time Nor for the Presidency, So Why the Hoopla?

NJ Gov. Chris Christie is not ready for prime time, much less the presidency of the U.S., despite the adulation being heaped on him by the top Republicans, who want to see him challenge President Barack Obama in 2012.

The word is that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is seriously considering a bid for the White House. Really? I don't know why there's so much interest in Christie. It's quite clear the man isn't ready for prime time and certainly not for the presidency. Besides the fact that he is a bully driven largely by an enormous ego, he couldn't possibly beat Mitt Romney and Rick Perry in the early primaries. The political landscape isn't inviting. Just because former first ladies Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush are singing his virtues, that doesn't mean the Tea Party and the right wing evangelicals will fall right into place behind him. If memory serves me correctly, both women haven't exactly batted home runs in the public opinion arenas during their stints in the White House, so who really gives a sh*t what they have to say? Nancy Reagan's Just Say No campaign against drugs went nowhere, like her wishes for Chris Christie to run for the GOP presidential nomination.

Christie cannot beat Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, nor can he garner enough support to win in Iowa. He certainly won't do well in South Carolina, so what's left? Without an early win in the primary season his attractiveness and viability as a candidate will fade fast. He won't generate that momentum which brings tons of cash and endorsements. Just think back to Fred Thompson debacle in the 2008 campaign. Some have said Chris Christie is as charismatic as Ronald Reagan. Um, let's not forget Ronald Reagan, with all that charisma, left this country with sky-high deficits. He is presidency wasn't one that you would want to emulate, despite what he die-hard fans, like Sarah Palin, say. Just think debt and Ronald Reagan.

I would also venture to say, Chris Christie, may be a Republican in name only, a RINO, if you will. You see, his cabinet is solidly liberal and chock full of holdovers from his Democratic predecessor John Corzine. That's a pretty good indicator of how he will govern  in the Oval Office. That might be attractive to some folks, but it will certainly not sit well with the Tea Party and the right wing evangelicals. Take the Attorney General Paula Dow, for example. She's pro-abortion and pro-gun control. That's a no-no to the Republican base.

I don't know what's all the hoopla around Chris Christie. He's a bully, who has so little respect for the elderly. Look at the crime rates in certain pockets of New Jersey? This is the same person who told a teacher not to teach. Yeah, continue the dumbing-down of American children (see video below). Sorry, I am not gung-ho about putting a man on the presidential ticket who would rather be combative than open to working across the aisle. He lives by the mantra -- my way or the highway. Some supporters feel he would be a formidable candidate to unify the Republican base, as well as attract Independents. Um, I am an Independent and no, I am not attracted to a Chris Christie run one iota. He has been a governor for a short period of time and that doesn't make one ready for prime-time. I don't believe President Obama was ready either. He lacked the experience needed to get the job done. It shows in his management style and his inability to throw his "weight" around in all the right places.

The more the GOP keeps begging Chris Christie to run, the more it works in President Obama's favor that the current slate of candidates aren't really winning the Republican base over. There's still a lot of jockeying for the top spot at this juncture. Chris Christie may be a frank, no-nonsense kind of guy, but what do you really know about his beliefs, hopes and ideals? Nothing.

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