jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Steven Fitch Dead After Online Date Leads to "Sex & Drugs Party" at Home of Rev. Mark Bidwell

SHAME: Rev. Mark Bidwell, pastor at the Metropolitan Community Church in Ferndale, called police last week to report Steven Fitch had stopped breathing. It seems that Rev. Bidwell is an openly gay pastor. According to the Daily Mail, Fitch died after a sex party held at the pastor's home. That just doesn't jive with what the Bible says about how pastors should live their lives.
He said he met the man, Steven Fitch, 43, of Lincoln Park, on a website the night before and invited him over to his house for sex. According to the police report Bidwell told a 911 operator: 'I've got someone who has apparently stopped breathing.' When the dispatcher asked how old the victim was, the 52-year-old replied: 'Honestly, I don't even know. We just met today.' Police said Mr Fitch brought crystal methamphetamine to Rev Bidwell's home and injected himself with the drug. He died later in hospital. Rev Bidwell told officers that Mr Fitch also injected him with the drug as well. The men had sex and invited a third man to join the party, police added. Source
I would venture to say, this isn't the first time Rev. Bidwell has just picked up someone for a romp in the sack. It shows poor judgment, not to mention a serious health risk. I can't imagine the church would ever condone this behavior from Pastor Bidwell. Not only was he engaging in unsafe sex, he was using drugs as well. Talk about pastors gone wild and saying "do as I say, but not as I do." Never mind the fact that Bidwell was also a police chaplain.

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