jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Fidel Castro Calls President Obama "Stupid" & Says UN Address was "Gibberish"

Fidel Castro mocked President Barack Obama, calls him "stupid" and says UN address was "gibberish." Um, wasn't this the same guy who praised Obama last year? What's got Castro riled? He's upset because President Obama said he's open for changing U.S. policy toward Cuba if there is change on the island first. Castro the wrote in Cuba's "state-owned paper “How kind! How intelligent!” He adds that such goodwill has not led Washington to end its five-decade-old economic embargo against the island, according to The Blaze. He also added “perhaps that empire will fall first,” referring to the U.S. Later he calls Obama “stupid.” Sorry, but until Castro can point to concrete change in Cuba, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Dang, everyone is piling on Obama.

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