jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Bishop Eddie Long to Speak At Stand Campaign 2011 After Alleged Multi-Million Settlement in Gay Coercion Lawsuit

I find it interesting to note the line up of speakers for the Stand Campaign 2011 scheduled for Atlanta Georgia on October 1, 2011. Just in case you doubt me I am attaching the link which shows the line up of speakers including Bishop Eddie Long. I can hear your silent questions of unbelief that Bishop Long is included in a campaign which seems to have as its core message a oneness of spirit. To be truthful, I haven't contacted the organizers to determine if they are aware of Bishop Long's history.

But I must tell you this, let me be clear on my position of grace and mercy. I believe that we are sinners saved by grace. I believe that God's mercy enables us to live day by day for all the failings of our human character. I also believe in forgiveness. That no matter the sin, grace and mercy predated the sinful act and you are forgiven before you sin. That is redemption by grace.However there is a certain level of accountability that Christian leaders, in fact all individuals in leadership positions are required to maintain. Bishop Eddie Long in his capacity of pastoring a large church, mentoring young impressionable men who looked up to him as some sort of spiritual father failed in his duties to display the love of God shed abroad to all humanity. The accusations leveled at him by five young men who paint a disturbing picture of a leader run amok of his spiritual obligations and high indecency and immorality who placed his hands on them inappropriately causing undue emotional and spirtual damge not only to their individual psyche but also to the portrait of God the Father and the body of Christ.

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