lundi 25 juillet 2011

Washington Times Op-Ed "Is Obama a Pathological Liar" in the Debt Ceiling Impasse, a Throwback to Rep. Joe Wilson's "You Lie"

Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl pens op-ed article calling President Barack Obama a "pathological liar" over his response to Republicans ending debt ceiling negotiations.

The ghost of Rep. Joe Wilson shouting "You lie"as President Obama addressed Congress has reared its ugly head via Joseph Curl in a Washington Times commentary. In fact, his article is entitled, "CURL: Is Obama a Pathological Liar." Um, no more pathological than his predecessor George W. Bush or any other president for that matter. What has offended Mr. Curl is President Obama saying he was willing to work with the Republicans but they wouldn't work with him. He agreed with John Boehner's account of the events, saying the White House moved the goal post. But was Joseph Curl a part of the discussions? Am I missing something here? Never mind the fact that Eric Cantor was caught flip-flopping on the ramifications of a short-term deal. But hey, if the Republicans lie, flip-flop and evade the issue, then it's okay because they have a pass, right?
And lately, the president has been lying so much that his pants could burst into flames at any moment.

His late-evening news conference Friday was a tour de force of flat-out, unadulterated mendacity — and we’ve gotten a first-hand insider’s view of the president’s long list of lies.

Watching the one-third-of-a-term-senator-turned-president negotiate brings to mind a child spinning yarns about just how the living room lamp got broken. Now, though, the grown-ups are in charge; the kids have been put to bed. Ten days ago, the president warned the speaker: “Dont call my bluff.” Source: Washington Times
Look, I am not here to defend President Obama, but let's be fair, Joseph Curl is getting his information from a second hand source. A person whom he claims has intimate knowledge of the series of events that transpired last Friday. My question is this, won't you interpret those events based on your political affiliation? So, calling President Obama a pathological liar is another low blow, in the spirit of Rep. Joe Wilson's "You Lie." Neither party will walk away from this hot mess smelling like roses. They are all a bunch of dumb clucks who could care less about what their constituents want. No matter how you spin this, both parties failed Americans like you and I.

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