jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Pastor Steven Andrew Calling for National Repentance Because USA "Must Turn from Wicked Ways as a Nation"

From Christian News Wire: Pastor Steven Andrew of USA Christian Ministries is calling for national repentance based on 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from." Here is the self-serving and overly-pious press release in its entirety:
"God has an answer for the crisis the USA is facing; He asks us to turn from our wicked ways as a nation and by doing so He will heal our land -- He will fix the economy and give us strong families," says Pastor Steven. "God loves us," he adds.

"It is the duty of all nations... to confess their sins and transgressions... with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon," said Abraham Lincoln.

Americans are invited to join two steps of national repentance. The first step is to agree with God to repent of personal and national sin. The second step is to actively promote righteousness. Christians are encouraged to call talk shows and read 2 Chronicles 7:14, blog about God, run for office, bring back the Bible and Christian prayer to schools and get involved in other creative ways.

Pastor Steven has identified the key sins that he is calling the USA to repent of. National repentance is explained in more detail in his new book "Making A Strong Christian Nation." The sins include:
  • A lukewarm church (Revelation 3:16)
  • Separation of church and state lie (2 Chronicles 15:2)
  • Not raising children in the Lord (Ephesians 6:4)
  • Allowing 53+ million abortions (Exodus 20:13)
  • Not honoring our father and mother (Deuteronomy 5:16)
  • Condoning sexual and homosexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
  • Serving money instead of God (Matthew 6:24)
  • Voting for ungodly people (2 Chronicles 19:2)
  • Putting trust in something other than God (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • Not seeking God's counsel (John 15:5)
  • Unbelief that God will heal our Christian nation (Zephaniah 1:12)
  • Allowing foreign gods (Judges 10:13-14)
  • Being divided instead of keeping the unity of the Spirit (Matthew 12:25)
  • Selfish individualism and other sin... (John 13:34)
"I am asking every American to give all your heart to Jesus Christ -- Jesus suffered on the cross and died for our sins," adds Pastor Steven. "Let's ask God to fill our government, schools and courts. We need God in America," he adds.
One question, what foreign god is he talking about? So, I guess it's all President Obama's fault that the nation, all of a sudden, has slipped away from God, right? I'm not trying to help his cause, I want my readers to see the hypocrisy oozing from the pores of the religious right, who say my way or no way at all. No middle ground.

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