jeudi 17 février 2011

Delray Beach Police Officer Sgt. Adam Rosenthal Killed in Automobile Accident

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Florida police officer Sgt. Adam Rosenthal, who was killed in a car accident near the intersection of Southwest 18th Street and Boca Rio Road in Boca Raton at approximately 6:15 am Thursday morning.

According to Officer Down Memorial Page Inc., he was reporting to the station at the beginning of his shift when his patrol car struck a tree in the median. He was flown to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

On a personal note: This incident struck a nerve when I read about his untimely death because I was involved in an accident last Sunday evening. My kids and I were on our way home from a soccer tournament when a motorist in another vehicle shot out from a side street and failed to yield. He drove right across in front of my car to the opposite side of the street. I came to a complete stop and then all hell broke loose. I was hit from behind by another motorist who was following too closely. As it stands right now, I have terrible back pain and I am feeling some pain on the right side of my chest where the seat belt tightened. I thank God because the outcome could have been quite different for my children and I. Sergeant Rosenthal is survived by four children.

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