vendredi 28 janvier 2011

California State Sen. Leland Yee, Civil Rights Groups Call for Boycott of Advertisers on Rush Limbaugh Show After He Mocked Chinese President

California state Sen. Leland Yee receives death threats are demanding apology from Rush Limbaugh for "racist" mocking Chinese President's speech.

Once again conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh has stuck his foot in his mouth. His imitation of the Chinese language during a recent speech made by Chinese President Hu has sparked outrage among the Asian-American community, with California state Sen. Leland Yee, leading the charge in demanding an apology from Limbaugh, who seems to think he's the moral compass of America, with all his flaws. His actions were racist and derogatory, but this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. He has engaged in race-baiting for as far back as I can remember and he is allowed to get away with it. Yee has rallied civil rights groups calling for a boycott of companies such as Pro Flowers, Sleep Train and Domino's Pizza that advertise on his syndicated talk show. Misery loves company. I am positive Rush Limbaugh doesn't have a quarter of the qualifications and expertise the Chinese president possesses.
"The comments that he made - the mimicking of the Chinese language - harkens back to when I was a little boy growing up in San Francisco and those were hard days, rather insensitive days," Yee said in an interview Thursday. "You think you've arrived and all of a sudden get shot back to the reality that you're a second-class citizen."

During a Jan. 19 radio program, Limbaugh said there was no translation of the Chinese president's speech during a visit to the White House. "He was speaking and they weren't translating," Limbaugh said. "They normally translate every couple of words. Hu Jintao was just going ching chong, ching chong cha." He then launched into a 20-second-long imitation of the Chinese leader's dialect. The next day, Limbaugh said he "did a remarkable job" of imitating China's president for someone who doesn't know a language spoken by more than 1 billion people. "Back in the old days, Sid Caesar, for those of you old enough to remember, was called a comic genius for impersonating foreign languages that he couldn't speak," Limbaugh said. "But today the left says that was racism; it was bigotry; it was insulting. And it wasn't. It was a service." Source
It's high time people in this country take a stand against the inflammatory and derogatory rhetoric emanating from the airwaves from conservative radio show hosts, namely Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage, to name a few. Yee is also fearful of his life, after receiving death threats at his California offices. In the aftermath of the massacre in Tucson, in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, and six people died, no one is taking these threats lightly. Let me end by saying that I have been a vocal critic of Rush Limbaugh and others, but this isn't the first time he has insulted other races, particularly blacks, but I haven't heard one word demanding an apology from the Asian-American civil rights leaders, but now they are dealing with this bigot and want all our support. Yeah, I'll support them in this because Limbaugh went too far, but it's time we all united against such bigotry, not only when a particular race or ethnicity is slighted.

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