samedi 29 janvier 2011

Black State Lawmakers Accuse Gov. John Kasich of Lack of Racial Diversity in "All-White" Administration

Black Ohio lawmakers accuse new governor & former Fox News host John Kasich of lack of diversity with "all-white" cabinet.

A group of black state lawmakers in Ohio are blasting John Kasich over the absence of racial diversity in his cabinet and called on the Senate to reject his appointments until he takes steps to add blacks or Latinos to his leadership team, according to the Columbus Dispatch. You should also note John Kasich had his own show on Fox News a few years ago, so I wouldn't be overly surprised at his track record with non-whites. After being called out by State Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) who said of his appointments, "Today in 2011 it feels more like 1811 in the state of Ohio under a governor who just does not get it." Ouch. His spokeman said he offered two positions to two blacks who turned him down. Er, you can't tell me in the entire state of Ohio there were only two blacks qualified for a leadership role in his administration. Complete BS.

Not since Democrat Michael DiSalle in 1962 has an Ohio governor had an all-white cabinet. Kasich has made 23 appointments, and a spokesman said he still has two seats to fill - the Departments of Youth Services and Job and Family Services.

"It's about bringing a perspective. That's what we want the governor to understand," said Sen. Charleta B. Tavares, D-Columbus. "He doesn't walk in our shoes. He hasn't gone through the struggles many of us have gone through. Even a Republican who happens to be African-American will bring a perspective, a consciousness that he doesn't have." Source: Columbus Dispatch
Seems to me John Kasich has a race problem by virtue of his all-white administration in modern-day America. It's safe to say that it wasn't solely the white vote that put him in office. If blacks make up 12.1 percent of the population of the state, as a lawmaker states, then why it is so hard for Gov. Kasich to appoint blacks to his administration? Sounds like a little Fox News mentality is influencing his relationship with the black community.

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