mardi 14 septembre 2010

Supporter of State Rep. Sally Kern (R-OK) Calls Transgender Opponent, Brittany Novotny, a "Confused It'

Here's another controversy that could have been avoided. Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, widely know for her anti-gay stance, said she regrets one of her supporters, Charlie Meadows, called her opponent, Democrat Brittany Novotny, who happens to be Oklahoma's first openly transgender candidate --  a "confused it."

According to the Oklahoman, Charlie Meadows, chairman of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee, said Monday he won't apologize for using the words to describe Novotny, a lawyer from Bethany, who is challenging Kern in the Nov. 2 general election. He said he could have used the word eunuch, but the word "it" was not meant to be a derogatory word to describe Novotny. Really? Wow. I could have guessed right off that he meant to be mean-spirited.
Meadows wrote about Novotny in an e-mail sent Sept. 7 to nearly 4,000 on his political action committee's mailing list. The e-mail included an item about Novotny attending a fundraiser on her behalf in West Hollywood, Calif. "Brittany used to be a 'he,' had a sex change operation to make him into a 'her' but turned out to become a confused 'it,'" Meadows wrote. Source
Sorry, but birds of a feather flock together. Sally Kern has made incendiary comments about gays in the past. Actually, she made waves in 2008 after she told an Oklahoma City Republican club that the gay agenda is "the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam." So, why should anyone believe that she finds her buddy's derogatory comments about Novotny despicable? We have a bunch of heterosexual politicians who are doing nothing more than making a mess in Washington D.C. and their respective states. Who cares what one's sexual orientation is when it comes to doing the right thing by all Americans?

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