jeudi 16 septembre 2010

John Boyd, Head of Black Farmers to Drive Tractor to Capitol Hill to Press Congress Over $1.25B Civil Suit Award

John Boyd, head of National Black Farmers Association, to drive tractor to Capitol Hill to press Congress on $1.25 billion payout from civil suit.

From CNN:
Beginning Thursday, the head of the National Black Farmers Association will ride a tractor to Capitol Hill to press Congress to fund a historic discrimination case settlement involving minority farmers. John Boyd says he will make the ride on the tractor he named "Justice" each day the Senate is in session.

Last week, he showed up in front of a federal courthouse in New York on a mule -- a reference to Civil War-era promises of assistance for freed African-American slaves. "I'm sorry my tractor may slow things down, but any delay in traffic is small potatoes compared to the years of delay black farmers have endured in our pursuit of justice," he said.
It is a low-down dirty shame that the black farmers have not been awarded the $1.2 billion they are owed because the Senate just keeps pushing on the back burner. I wish Mr. Boyd could drive that tractor right into Sen. Harry Reid's office. This is a travesty. This is why the Tea Party is taking root in this country. Elected officials aren't doing what is right by the people in their districts and states. The same holds true for Congress and their treatment of the black farmers.

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