lundi 20 septembre 2010

Gen. Colin Powell Says Illegal Immigrants "All Over his Home," Should be Given Path to Legal Status

Gen. Colin Powell set off a firestorm during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday when he said of illegal immigrants, ""They're all over my house, doing things whenever I call for repairs, and I'm sure you've seen them at your house. We've got to find a way to bring these people out of the darkness and give them some kind of status." He did not say whether he hired them directly or they came as contractors hired by someone else. Thankfully Gen. Powell isn't running for office. Remember what happened to Mitt Romney when it was discovered illegal immigrants did some work for him? Powell is right in his assessment that illegal immigrants do essential work in the United States. I believe those that have been here for more than 10 years, have not broken any laws and have paid their taxes, should be allowed to stay in this country legally.

I think the bigger issue from Gen. Powell's interview with David Gregory is the fact that he has lost some faith in President Obama, who he called a "generational leader" when he spurned his personal friend John McCain on the campaign trail and voted for Obama in the general election. He said Obama needs to change his approach in the White House because voters are feeling overwhelmed by sweeping new laws that expand the scope of government.
“The president also has to ... shift the way in which he has been doing things,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “The American people feel that too many programs have come down. There are so many rocks in our knapsack now that we’re having trouble carrying it.”
Powell spoke truth to power, but many Republicans see him as a turncoat and one who's opinion doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things to them. Powell, who has served three Republican presidents, shocked many when he endorsed and voted for Obama. I agree with much of what he has said. President Obama has lost touch with people on Main Street like you and I. Still, we can't lose sight of the fact that Wall Street and the big banks who were bailed out haven't done one thing to help the people on Main Street. People are still losing their homes and jobs.
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