mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Rev. Arthur Burton Schirmer Arrested for Allegedly Killing Second Wife, Probe Re-opened in Mysterious Death of First Wife

Talk about snake in the pulpit and a wolf in sheep's clothing. Rev. Arthur Burton Schirmer was arrested in the death of his second wife, wife Betty, in 2008, after Joseph Mustante allegedly commits suicide in his office at Reeders United Methodist Church, led investigators to him. He allegedly staged the car accident that claimed his wife's life. The investigators also re-opened the case of his first wife's mysterious death to see whether he played a role. Schirmer's first wife, Jewel, died in April 1999 from a traumatic brain injury after she purportedly fell down a flight of stairs in Lebanon, Pa. Last night I watched the "Nancy Grace Show" and I learned that she sustained injuries that were not consistent with a fall. But, no-one doubted his account because he was a pastor.
Rev. Arthur Burton Schirmer, 62, entered no plea Monday in a Tannerville, Pa., courtroom, hours after authorities arrested him at his Reeders home for the 2008 death of wife Betty, 56.

The man who broke in and shot himself at the desk in Schirmer's office at the Reeders United Methodist Church, Joseph Mustante, was the husband of the pastor's secretary, Cynthia Musante, Poconos Township Police Detective James Wagner said. Source
It is a real shame that so many pastors are involved in unsavory and criminal behavior. Pastor Schirmer knew he was committing adultery when he engaged in a sexual relationship with another man's wife. It is a sad commentary that the words in the Bible are factual in the cases of rogue pastors -- wolves in sheep's clothing.

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