mercredi 27 janvier 2010

Will We See a "New and Improved" President Barack Obama During His State of the Union Speech?

Will we see a "new and improved" President Barack Obama during his first State of the Union speech Wednesday night?

Will we see a "new and improved" President Barack Obama tonight, during his first State of the Union speech? He will reportedly try to reconnect with the middle class and concentrate his efforts on creating more jobs. Well, I don't want to add salt to an open wound, but I have lost the little faith I had left in the Democratic Party and I am disappointed thus far with President Obama's performance. It seems that the Democrats just can't seem to get it right and the president wants to be everyone's friend and doesn't seem to have a backbone.

His war on the big banks has gone nowhere. The massive health care reform, which would cost taxpayers over a $1 billion has exploded like a firecracker and not to mention the fact that Main Street is literally hemorraghing. President Obama's policies so far have sent a loud and resounding message to the United States that Washington doesn't give a damn about the middle class. But alas, the president wants to change that. At the urging of Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), President Obama will use his speech tonight to throw us a bone -- child care and elder care tax credits and student loan deferments. Is that all? What about all those people losing their homes to foreclosure? Geez, how can I forget that his mortgage modification program (HAMP) was such a resounding success. Yes, I am cynical about Washington's moves and what it will mean for the middle class.
"The middle class feels beleaguered, and I think the message of Massachusetts, which I believe the president is now heeding, was pay attention to our plight. We're not as worried about changing the health care system as we are about getting by week to week," Sen. Charles Schumer said.  Source:  WCBS-TV
Excuse me if I take the president's new found concentration on the plight of the middle class with a grain of salt. There's that pesky little detail about rising unemployment rates and skyrocketing foreclosures, while Wall Street is experiencing a boon of sorts. Wait, how could I forget to mention the two wars we are currently engaged in, plus our new mission in Haiti (albeit a needed one), plus the president's decision to try terrorists in civilian courts, which will cost New York City millions. I could go on, but I'll give President Obama a chance to sell me on his proposals tonight.

Photo credit: The Drudge Report

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