mercredi 21 octobre 2009

Steve Phillips, Former Mets Gen Manager & ESPN Analyst, Embroiled in Messy Fallout From Affair with Brooke Hundley, 22 Year-Old Production Assistant

A real soap opera drama is playing out between production Brooke Hundley, 22, and former Mets general manager and ESPN analyst Steve Phillips. The New York Post was only too happy to publish lurid details of the affair. According to the NY Post, Brooke Hundley sent a letter and called Phillips' wife after Phillips ended the relationship, and had a series of "Fatal Attraction" type moments that may have included contacting Phillips' sons via Facebook and the Internet. What? This girl is nuts, but then again, serves Phillips right. You play, you pay.

In retaliation, the jilted young woman repeatedly phoned Phillips' wife, Marni, saying, "We both can't have him!" an explosive police report claims. According to the police report, Hundley's desperate and disturbing actions included accidentally smashing her car into a stone column while speeding away from the Phillips' home after leaving the letter terrified the family. I am amazed that Phillips declined to press charges against this nut. When this pattern of harrassment includes the wife and children of the marriage, then there's a serious problem and this nut should be prosecuted, at the minimum.

The report says Phillips has been suspended by ESPN for a week and Phillips' wife, Marni, has filed for divorce. You go girl. There is no need for you to put up with this mess, considering that Phillips has a history of infidelity, including being sued by Rosa Rodriguez 11 years ago for sexual harassment, the case was later settled out of court.

In a Wilton police report obtained by The Post, Phillips said he first met Hundley on July 13 in St. Louis when she was working as an assistant for remote-game productions for ESPN. It seems that these married men who love to cheat on their wives with unstable women just don't learn. Look at what happened to former NFL great Steve McNair, who was murdered by his unstable jump-off Sahel Kazemi?

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