lundi 19 octobre 2009

Pennsylvania GOP Uses Hammer And Sickle Symbols For O-bama

More right wing gutter politics again. This time it comes from Pennsylvania. I came across this latest campaign, with the "O" in Obama with the hammer and sickle emblem, on Pennsylvania blog Gort42. This isn't the first time the state's GOP has used this line of reasoning to try to scare people into supporting their candidate, which happens to be Joan Orie Melvin from Pittsburgh, who also serves on the Superior Court (another scary thought). She is running against Jack Panella. The ad first appeared on GrassrootsPA on her behalf, but the picture has since been removed. The ad says:

"Tired of Barack Obama, Ed Rendell, Arlen Specter and big government Democrats ruining our nation?" the advertisement asks in yellow block capitals set against a bright-red background. And in case the message wasn't subtle enough, there's a Soviet-era hammer-and-sickle inside the "O" in Obama's last name. 
That continues to speak volumes of how deep in the political muck the Republican Party is willing to go. Last fall, then-candidate Barack Obama, was the subject of a press release issued by GOP chairman Roberto Gleason and was called "a terrorist's best friend." This new ad picked up the same theme used by an anti-Obama billboard placed on I-70 in Kansas City that had the Soviet hammer and sickle emblem with the message, "How do you like your change now? Obama Nation. They are coming for you! The Taxpayer. First and Second Amendments are in jeopardy. Live free or Die."

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