jeudi 15 octobre 2009

Sean Hannity on Nobel Peace Prize: ‘Frankly, I would’ve given it to George Bush’

Fox News host Sean Hannity is dumber than I initially thought. Either that or he's as nutty as Glenn Beck. Tuesday night he hosted a panel that debated the merits of President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, which is last week's news. He complained that the president's goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and claiming that the Nobel is undesirable because Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat receieved it. Then he went there. He had the temerity to suggest that President George W. Bush was a viable alternative for the Peace Prize.

HANNITY: [Yasser Arafat] got the Nobel peace prize. Excuse me, a terrorist got the Nobel peace prize. Some people deservedly so. You know who else deserved it? Ronald Reagan. And frankly, I would’ve given it to George Bush.

Watch it:

What an absolute moron. You will recall that many commentators noted that the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Obama appeared to have been motivated in part by anti-Bush sentiment, which reinforced my position that Hannity’s suggestion is patently absurd. Hasn't it been clearly documented that George W. Bush engaged in the torture of detainees, waged an unprovoked and illegal war, and brought about the largest protests in history against U.S. policies — hardly behavior that is fitting for a Nobel Peace Prize? I rest my case.

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