How little self-respect and self-esteem does this woman have? She professes to be a role model to other young girls, but is the message she's smugly sending is that it's okay to sleep with another woman's husband and get pregnant, have an abortion and get pregnant again?
"You are the first persons that I share this news with, and I share this with you because I can relate to you," said Barrino. "For a while I walked around figuring out what will they say and what will they think about me. But now I tell you I don't live my life for folk. This child that I carry, God has given me this child. And I don't have to hide it from none of y'all."Her comments are chock-full of hypocrisy. What about the baby she aborted, wasn't that a gift from God as well? I am amazed at the hubris of people who try to justify their "questionable" behavior by framing in terms of being ordained by God, who clearly gives us the ability to decipher wrong from right. The Bible is also clear -- thou shalt not commit adultery and fornication is a big no-no. That's according to the same God Fantasia professes to serve. Sorry, but I view her pregnancy as an innocent child coming into a hot mess and another woman bringing a child into the world with baby-daddy drama. Psst, Fantasia, Antwaun Cook dogged his wife out to be with you, don't you think there is a chance he will do the same thing to you?
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