jeudi 25 août 2011

United Church of Christ Affiliated Elmhurst College Becomes First to Ask Prospective Applicants if They're Gay

Elmhurst College, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, first institution of higher learning to ask prospective students their sexual orientation, claims part of effort to aid in outreach to LGBT students.

Elmhurst College, which is affiliated with the United Church of Christ, will become the first college to ask applicants about their sexual orientation. The exact question on the application will reportedly be: “Would you consider yourself to be a member of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community?” The question is optional, but why do they feel the need to ask? Who cares? They claim it's part of an effort to aid in outreach of LGBT students.
“Increasing diversity is part of our mission statement,” Gary Rold, Elmhurst’s dean of admissions, told the Chicago Sun-Times. “This is simply closing a loop, in many ways, of another group who has a very strong identity. It may not be race and religion but it’s an important part of who they are.”
Still, it's a private institution so they can ask whatever questions they see fit, though I don't think the American Civil Liberties Union will like this.

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