mercredi 24 août 2011

Clovis Kabaseke on a Quest to Eradicate Malaria & Poverty in Africa Through Artemisia Plant Found Below Uganda's Mountains of the Moon

Clovis Kabaseke, who lives near the Mountains of the Moon in western Uganda, is literally trying to change how the war on malaria and poverty is being waged in his country through the artemisia plant.

Clovis Kabaseke & fight to end malaria & poverty
(Ainsworth Communication)
All too often important news stories have flown under the mainstream media's radar. Less important stories occupy the home pages of many news sites.

Artemisia plant found in western Uganda
(Ainsworth Communication)
Clovis Kabaseke lives and farms in the Fort Portal area of western Uganda, in the shadow of the Mountains of the Moon. He is the founder of the Botanical Gardens there and cultivates the ancient Artemisia herb in the hope that it will combat both the malaria and the poverty that blights his community.

A drug developed from the Artemisia plant is providing some hope in the battle against malaria, although how exactly it works is a matter of great debate.

Artemisia contains an active ingredient which appears to poison the malaria parasite, clearing it out of a patient's bloodstream. The leaves are used to make Artemisia tea, which has proven to be a very effective treatment for malaria.
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