mercredi 28 avril 2010

Tim James, Alabama Gubernatorial Candidate, Says Drivers License Tests Should Only be in English

Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James says no to state drivers license tests in multiple languages.

Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James can't seem to understand why his state offers its drivers license test in 12 languages. In his latest campaign ad he said, “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here, learn it,” he declares. “We're only giving that test in English, if I am governor." James says it's just a common sense thing: "Maybe it's the businessman in me," he says. "But we'll save money. And it makes sense. Does it to you?"

I agree with him in theory. This is an English-speaking country and there are many who speak Spanish, therefore, we should have the tests in two languages only. Sorry, you don't see traffic signs in this country in another language.  The same proposal is floating around Georgia's state legislature as well. We'll see how this plays out. I don't see it as a racial issue against Latinos or any other immigrant group.

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