mardi 20 avril 2010

Birther Movement Gets Small Victory in Arizona as Amendment Calls for Proof of American Citizenship

Birther movement gets small victory in Arizona, as amendment to bill calls for candidates to be required to show documents to prove he or she is a "natural born" American.

It is absolutely amazing that the "birther" movement is still alive and its supporters are elated with the recent amendment made by state Rep. Judy Burges (R-AZ), to a bill concerning how candidates can get on Arizona's ballot, would require them to show documents to prove they are a "natural born citizen." It could mean that if President Obama chose to run again in 2012, he may need to prove to the state of Arizona that he was a "natural born" American. The reality is that this bill will have an uphill battle before it is enacted into law. How many times does President Obama have to answer questions about his natural born American status? I can't recall Sen. John McCain being forced to deal with this issue repeatedly.

Now dubbed the "birther bill," the provision won a preliminary 31-22 vote, but the bill itself still faces a formal vote before it is sent to the state's Senate. Attempts have been made in other states, such as Florida and Oklahoma, to introduce similar legislation. None of them have ever become law.

"Republicans continue to take Arizona down the wrong track by wasting taxpayers' time on frivolous legislation instead of working on important issues like health care for kids and seniors and education," said Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat, in a statement. Source: NY Daily News
I guess my question is to each person born in this country, do you have the original copy of your birth certificate? It would be rather hard to get that, but President Obama is being forced to do so. Gee, I wonder if Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) would have received the same outpouring of skepticism if he had become our president, considering that he wasn't born in the United States, but in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936. The reality is that questions of his eligibility didn't generate the same kind of interest and fervor. One has to wonder what the real motivations of the so-called "birther movement" is. Could it be that they just can't stand having a black president?

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