mardi 13 avril 2010

Bryan Fischer Says Muslims in U.S. "Renouce Islam and Convert to Christianity or be Deported"

Bryan Fischer calls for Muslims in the U. S. to renounce Islam and convert to Christianity or be deported.

Bryan Fischer, AFA
American Family Association's Director of Issues Analysis is at it again. This time, he is suggesting that “those who are willing to convert to Christianity and renounce Islam, Allah, Mohammed and the Koran may be welcomed [in America], for they can become not just good Christians but true Americans.”This comes after his rant last week to “Round up all Muslim American citizens and deport them.” In essence, Muslims can stay in America only if they renounce their religion. This is why so many people are disillusioned with the church because wing-nuts like Bryan Fischer can spew a doctrine of division on the basis of religion. Shameful.
As far as restricting the flow of Muslim immigrants into the United States, the question we should ask is a very simple one, and it is this. Should any nation welcome to its shores immigrants who have a solemn, sacred obligation to kill as many of their hosts as possible? That's a form of suicidal insanity, but it reflects our current immigration practice.

Of course, most Muslims in the U.S. are not actively looking to do us harm. They're not the ones we have to worry about. But until "moderate" Muslims help us find a foolproof way to identify the Muslims we do have to worry about - and so far they have not been willing to offer this kind of help - every new Muslim immigrant represent a potential threat to the safety and security of the United States.

You will notice that Muslims are prohibited by their god from assimilating into Christian cultures. They are not even to take friends from among the Christian infidels. No melting pot here, no sir. In point of fact, their religion forbids them to become good Americans.

Bottom line: every Muslim who enters the United States carries within his bosom the seeds of sedition. It is dangerously foolish for the United States to invite folks inside our borders whose god orders them, through his holy prophet, to murder American infidels. According to the latest Easter polling data, infidels comprise about 80 percent of our population, the 80 percent who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, came to earth to die for our sins, and rose from the grave. Each of these beliefs is regarded in Islam as a heresy which ultimately merits the death penalty.

And if the government won't impose this death penalty on the infidels, the Muslims themselves will be happy to impose it on their own initiative, as 9/11 and Fort Hood amply illustrate. Source: Bryan Fischer
The reality is what Bryan Fischer is advocating is in direct contrast to the Bible and it is also a violation of the United States Constitution, in as far as enforcement is concerned. He has the hubris to suggest that the United States openly discriminate against Muslims on the basis of the actions of a small faction within the religion. Mr. Fischer is an arrogant and self-righteous hypocrite who is advocating xenophobia. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, similarly to the fact that not every Christian in the U.S. is a domestic terrorist.

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