samedi 24 avril 2010

Stephen Baldwin Wants You to Restore His Finances and Pull Him Out of Bankruptcy

Talentless actor Stephen Baldwin launches website to seek donations to pull him out of bankruptcy and restore him to his former glory. Ignore real poverty.

I am a Christian, but I get really turned off by those so-called Christian brothers and sisters who use religion as a tool to make money by exploiting other believers. Enter Stephen Baldwin. He's the Baldwin brother with the hefty resume -- playing the bumbling idiot Barney Rubble in The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas, and is now bankrupt. We reported on that some time ago. What is a disgrace is the method in which he and his believers are bent on restoring him to his former glory -- give him some of our money. And if we do, he will be "publicly restored in front of millions and God will get all the glory." He is now painting himself as a Christian martyr. Wow, this has to be his best role yet! He wants you to ignore real poverty and give your donations all to him.

To read more about shake-down, visit the Restore Stephen Baldwin and watch the video below, which explains the project in more detail. What's even funnier is the fact they are comparing Stephen Baldwin to Job. The obviously flawed argument they are making is that like Job, he lost everything due to his beliefs. Er. I beg to differ. You see, Job was tested and his belief in God was so deep that he gave it all up because he knew God would take care of him. Stephen Baldwin is broke because he and his wife lived the high life. How dare he compare himself to Job.  He is being publicly ridiculed because this hair-brained scheme is nothing more than a shakedown. To date he has the endorsement of four so-called leaders in the religious world -- Pastor Frank Davis, Pastor Chris Musgrove, Daniel Southern, who is the president of his ministries and Ted Baehr, founder of Movie Guide. I will give Stephen Baldwin some credit for coming up with an innovative way to con believers into giving him money. He should be up for an Emmy Award with this performance. LOL.

Watch the video:

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