lundi 7 septembre 2009

Newsbusters' Makes Reckless Claim that Communism is Seeping into Our Schools After Listening to Story on Bruce DuMont's Radio Show

Newsbusters continues its right wing propaganda spin. This time they quoted bits of Bruce DuMont's radio show and tried to paint a picture that there was Communism seeping into our schools. Jeremy Rose, president of the Chicago Young Republicans told the story of how a teacher in a public school on the north side of Chicago told him that another teacher had all the students on the first day of school put all their school supplies in a pile on the floor and those supplies are divided among all the students, including those who have very little or none. He said that one student had a Dora the Explorer lunch box that was given to a child who didn't have one. The child went home and informed her father that her lunch box was taken away. The father then spoke with the teacher and expressed his concern over the issue. Newsbusters deliberately took that one story and turned it into one in which Communism is now seeping into our schools and a redistribution of wealth is occurring as a result.
Tonight I had chance to listen to Bruce DuMont's radio show and heard the story of how teachers in one school confiscate all the children's school supplies (and in this case even lunch boxes), put them in a pile, and everyone takes turns coming up and taking what they want, whether the parents like it or not. A guest on the show, Erika Brees, Heartland Regional Director for College Democrats of America, defended this action saying that "it's an important lesson that people learn to do with less so others can have what they need too, and if the parents aren't willing to teach that, I think it's good that the school does." [I paraphrase]

This is nothing more than an introduction to communism. I was shocked. I thought there's no way that this redistribution of personal property really goes on in American school rooms. After a few searches and several calls to teacher friends, I've found this to be more common than I ever would have thought, and of course there is not one media story on the subject to be found.

It's one thing to buy extra supplies so the classroom has the tools it needs to conduct class. It's quite another to steal property from one person... and give it to another. It's quickly becoming clear that America is under attack by communists. Communism is a disease that best grows in darkness and, in this country anyway, is destroyed by the light of mass attention. I ask all of you, if you find examples of communism in your classroom (particularly public schools), DM a tweet to me on Twitter or send me a direct message here at Newsbusters. Let me help get the word out.

And if your child's teacher confiscates the personal property you purchased for their education and distributes it to others against your will, I'd suggest you file a police report for theft. Source:
This reaction is almost laughable. It is a disgrace that Mithridate Ombud, who wrote the commentary on Newsbusters' website, could make such scurrilous accusations. At the start of every school year, my two sons have to donate paper towels, hand sanitizers, Zip-loc bags, etc., along with their classmates, which are used for the benefit of the entire class, including the wealthy children. They certainly do not have to give their lunch boxes to needy children. I am sure that was an isolated case and the student did not have to give the student her lunch box. Filing a police report for theft is an insult to all teachers across this country who have had to use their own money to purchase supplies for their classrooms. Why not address the disparities in schools in the inner cities and in the suburbs across this country?

These are the kind of reckless comments and deliberate smears that take root in the minds of the gullible people in our country. Sadly, the most important points of the radio show were missed, especially the argument that President Obama's speech is meant to encourage students to stay in school, stay off drugs, study hard and so on. It is equally surprising to note that Jeremy Rose did not even mention the high drop-out rates in the Chicago Public School system, as well as the high crime rates in these schools. Something drastic must be done to improve the education of all our children because we have 30% drop-out rate in schools in this country. That's a damning statistic that should not be dogging a superpower such as the USA.

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