mercredi 23 septembre 2009

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Says "Martin Luther King Jr. Would Be 'Disappointed' In Country's Leadership"

RNC Chairman Michael Steele is at it again. He told students at a historically black Philander Smith College, in Arkansas yesterday that Martin Luther King Jr. would be disappointed with President Obama. He said, "Dr. King would be disappointed in the political leadership of this country for failing to address the least of us." Really? I beg to differ. He needs to stop using Dr. King's name to score political points. That's just low and dirty. He faulted both the Democrats and the Republicans for failing to address poverty and said the GOP must take steps to win over black voters. If the GOP thinks sending this clown in to win black voters, they have wasted their precious resources. Add that with the racism being pushed by fringe elements of the Republican Party. That spells doom for the GOP attracting black voters.

Think Progress points out that a student approached the microphone and asked, "In all seriousness, I'm curious what you think that Dr. King would think about your party's current attempts to block universal health care?" "It's a great myth that we're doing all this blocking. I wish we had that kind of control with the numbers, but we don't," Steele responded. "As I've said to the president many times, 'If that's the bill you want, vote it up or down.'"

Michael Steele, if you cared so much about poverty in this country, what do you propose to do to help the millions of people who fall below the poverty line in this country? To take it a step further, why did you have to raise the issue of poverty at a historically black college? Isn't that a little racial too?I have yet to hear him bring this up in other venues. He has been pulling the race card lately and that will only backfire. What Dr. King would be disgusted with is your lack of decorum and effectiveness as the leader of the RNC.

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